Second Data Driven AgriFood Future Conference

Online Tuesday 26 October 2021

The Data Driven AgriFood Future (DDAFF) Alliance Partners experience growing importance and possibilities of data driven developments in the agrifood value chain. By sharing knowledge and insights from research and real-life cases the DDAFF Alliance Partners aim to learn and inspire each other. And by doing so speeding up innovation and integration of a data driven agrifood value chain.

The DDAFF Alliance was officially launched at the Data Driven Agrifood Future conference on 26 October 2020. The DDAFF Alliance Partners are now gathering insights of existing national and international data driven practices and networks. This will be the starting point for a strategy to stimulate sharing and learning on a global scale building on shared inspiration.


Currently the following partners are part of the DDAFF-Alliance:


      The VINE (California, United States)

      AgriTech New Zealand (New Zealand)

       Flanders’ FOOD (Belgium)

       ILVO (Belgium)

       Danish Agriculture &Food Council


      GIL e.V. (Germany)

      FME (Netherlands)

      AgriFood Capital (Netherlands)

      Province of Noord-Brabant




Join us!

We believe that the future of food is data driven. Regions, clusters and research and knowledge institutes who are interested to join the DDAFF Alliance can contact us for more information.







The return is both economic and ecological, applying to responsible growth and the wishes of the consumer. The DDAFF Alliance Partners strive to work towards an action based collaboration on the topic of ‘Data Driven AgriFood Future’, involving companies, research & knowledge institutes and governments.

The Data Driven AgriFood Future Alliance Conference will be held during the DataWeekNL ‘Data Matters’

(25 - 29 October 2021) organized in

‘s-Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands.